So….why are you checking out this site? While spending time with many at T3 this past year, I had one question come up over and over again….”do you guys do a camp or know of a good camp my kids can go to this summer? Ours is too small, dying out, etc…”
I’ll be honest. This hit me and saddened me….so we at Faith Village decided to do something about it. We took on hosting our own week….at….
Well, check out the short video below and you will find out more!
So, want to join us?
We are unbelievably excited about this week of camp and wanted to make sure that you knew about it….why? Because we believe in the value of summer camps and in-depth study of the word of God. We want to offer to you all an outlet – a new place to come and join us as we seek to help grow this next generation of believers.
So – how can you sign up? Simple! Head on over to www.qmcc.org and register! We are “Week 4 – Faith Village.” You don’t have to pay until you arrive at camp. But we do want to know you are coming (so we can get you a great shirt and spend time in prayer for you before you arrive!)
What’s the cost? $185 (which includes a pretty awesome t-shirt (“the office” inspired!).
When is it? June 25-30, 2017.
Where? Quartz Mountain Christian Camp in Lone Wolf, Oklahoma.
AGE RANGE – 4th grade through 12th (graduating seniors included)
CHAPERONES – If you are interested in coming and being a chaperone, contact mkurko@faithvillagechurchtemp.ichthus-stage.com and he will get with you.
Why? Because you matter to us. And we want to spend time with you!
So…there it is. Will you come and join us this coming summer? We can’t wait to hear back from you and if you have any more questions, please email me and let me know.
As always, I am at your service. God bless you guys!